Driving Tips
How Low Is Too Low - Let's Talk About Your Fuel Gauge
If you drive a car, truck, or SUV that runs on gasoline, there's a good chance you’ve run it low on fuel a few times (or more than a few times,) and maybe even run out of gas completely a time or two. At Andrew's Diesel, Heavy Equipment, Auto & Tire in Spanish Fort, AL, we like to provide information applicable to you. Running a vehicle low on fuel is something we’re all guilty of, and most of us don’t think twice about it. But, can it be bad for your car?
Terrible Gas Mileage is a Thing of the Past
With a few exceptions, today’s vehicles get much better gas mileage than they did even a couple of decades ago, despite getting constantly heavier and more powerful. How do they do it? Here are the points, from Andrew's Diesel, Heavy Equipment, Auto & Tire in Spanish Fort, AL.
What should you do if you blow a tire?
The best way to deal with a blown tire is to prevent it from happening in the first place. However, eventually, a flat tire is going to occur, and it’ll most likely be when you least need it. From Andrew's Diesel, Heavy Equipment, Auto & Tire in Spanish Fort, AL, here’s what you need to do.